The Rage of Bahamut Nobunaga the Ruthless is a S Rare Rarity card from mans Faction.The Nobunaga the Ruthless Card has an Attack Power of 2730 and its 2420 defense power with 19 cost of power required.Its skills are Tenma Kourin and its effects to Great Boost to attack all.This card sells for 21,100.
The Nobunaga the Ruthless+ Card has an Attack Power of 3276 and its 2904 defense power with 19 cost of power required.Its skills are Tenma Kourin and its effects to Great Boost to attack all.This card sells for 31,650
The Nobunaga the Ruthless++ Card has an Attack Power of 3822 and its 3388 defense power with 19 cost of power required.Its skills are Tenma Kourin and its effects to Great Boost to attack all.This card sells for 42,200.
The Nobunaga the Ruthless(Demonic pact) Card is an SS Rare Rarity Card has an Attack Power of 4914 and its 4356 defense power with 19 cost of power required.Its skills are Tenma Kourin and its effects to Great Boost to attack all.This card sells for 63,300.
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